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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ryan turns 1!

My Ry-Ry!  I can't believe its been a year already since you made your presence known. You have been such a blessing. You are a sweet and gentle soul that I never want to leave me. I love that you are quiet and timid but also very curious. You may not say much but you are always observing!  You are cautious to try new things and very attached to the things you love...especially your father.  The way you always listen for his voice and steps makes my heart feel full.   I promise to always be there for you and love you the way need me to love you. I want you to always now that you have your own spot in this family and we all love you.  There are days when I just dont want you to grow up, I just want to you to lay on my chest forever. I just want to hold you close forever.  My mother's intuition tells me you are going to need to lay on mommy's chest every now and then and that's okay.

Its been great to see you carve out your own personality and presence in our family.  You have been determined to everything at your own pace.

It is my greatest dream to see you and your brother grow up to be close and I adore the fascination in your eyes as you watch him.  I love that he is so eager to be a Big Brother to you and help you learn. This is the way I imagine. No matter what life brings in the future, alwyas now that you & your brother have a bond that can never be broken!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

First tooth

Ryan is finally breaking his first tooth at 10 months! I can't believe its taken this long. Not that a lack of teeth have dimished his ability to eat table food. He is a greedy monster when it comes to eating. He is pretty quiet 99% of the time but he gets of rowdy when he thinks the food not coming fast enough.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Really boys....

I walk into the living room to find Ry chewing paper and actually feeding Ray Allan paper so now they are both chewing paper. Really Ry?!... I thought you were the quiet good one!!! Really Ray Allan?!...I cant believe you are a willing participant!

Monday, June 20, 2011

1, 2, 3, 4

Woke up this morning to RA counting: 1234779. I was very impressed. Apparently he was counting to his brother. Since he doesn't go to daycare and is not around other kids often I oftentimes worry that he is not learning what he should. It warmed my heart to hear this unsolicited counting. He is kistening, he is learning at home!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Having the sweetest moment with the boys. We are watching our favorite Sesame Street: Elmo & Indie.Stir singing ABCs. They are so mesmerized its on constant repeat. RA is even teaching Ry how to clap!

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Our new favorite is Peekabye, as RA has named it. Its peekaboo under the covers. The delight and joy in their faces as I pull back the covers...I can live on those moments for days.